"I believe Liberals deserve to win against Labour now. Because Labour’s basic reflexes — central state activism, hoarding power at the centre, top-down government — are the wrong tools to meet the challenges of the modern world. We live in a society where people are no longer rigidly defined by class or place, no longer trapped by a culture of hierarchy.
Liberalism is the ideology most suited to this age. Only liberalism possesses a clear understanding of how power has flowed up and down from the central state.
Only liberalism marries a passion for devolution in Britain with a commitment to international institutions and the international rule of law. From fairer taxes to protecting civil liberties, from the reform of our clapped-out politics to the break-up of monopolistic banks, from devolved public services to a new concept of green citizenship, from social radicalism in education to a more effective and accountable European Union.
Dispersing power more fairly and holding the powerful to account runs as a thread through all my liberal beliefs."