Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Hope not Hate

Signing the Hope not Hate petition in the Council Chamber today

The Bishop of Manchester spoke at Full Council for the first time in living memory today to boldly warn us of the dangers of the BNP.

It was a stark, clear, bold warning, and a very impressive speech. All three party leaders spoke in favour of a motion about the Manchester 'Hope not Hate' campaign.

I was very proud to be both a Christian and a Manchester City Councillor today. Here's a response I posted on the MEN website when discussing whether it was right for the Bishop to criticise a political party:

As a Christian Manchester City Councillor, today was a very proud day for me. My party, my Council and my Church all had the courage, conviction and boldness to stand up to the homophobic racist fascist thugs who peddle hate, fear and division in our society.

In an open democracy it would be entirely wrong for us to ban extremist parties from standing for election - but equally - it would be entirely wrong to exclude important elements of a free society (such as the Church) from boldly speaking out against such parties.

To exclude any religious or non-religious group from engaging in the political system would be as perverse to our democratic system as banning extremist groups themselves - and this is our mark of tolerance and fair play.

I'm proud that the Britain I live in is so tolerant and even handed, and that we have our ideological battles in an open, largely peaceful democratic system - it demonstrates an agreeable degree of civility.

This would all be put at risk if we open the door to intolerant extremists, and I would strongly urge those tempted to vote for them to look at the whole picture and to listen to both sides of the argument.

1 comment:

Rob Chilton said...


I am appalled at the idea that such an un-Christian, venom-filled bunch of thugs like the BNP are trying to ingratiate themselves into the mainstream of British politics, and those of the Northwest.

I hope that, even though the three parties in Manchester rarely agree about anything else, we will all agree that our top priority must be to kick out the nasty, spurious brand of politics that the BNP represent. They have no place in Manchester!
