Saturday, 25 April 2009

A Parish Council for Northenden Village

Northenden is being consulted over a proposal to create an urban Parish Council. Here are some more details over how a Parish Council would work, why we believe we need one, and some examples of how it could improve Northenden.

How a Parish Council would work

A Parish Council would consist of elected representatives of all the neighbourhoods of Northenden. If we had 12 councillors spread evenly across the four areas, we would have 3 representatives in each neighbourhood.

Any local resident may stand for election – you don't have to belong to a political party. If the community didn't like what their Parish Councillors were doing, they could vote them off the council, and replace them with others.

These Parish Councillors would only represent a few hundred people – rather than more than over 10,000 represented at a City Council level. They would know many of the residents they represent, and the street by street issues that they face.

Parish Councils set a levy, or precept, to fund overheads such as insurance and a Clerk. However, much of the funding comes through external grants, from organisations such as Sport England, the Lottery, Chairtable Trusts and Government agencies.

The levy is normally very small, and we would not support an initial levy over £1 a month on top of your council tax. This levy provides the launching pad for hundreds of thousands of pounds of inward investment Northenden needs this investment, now more than ever

Why we believe Northenden needs a Parish Council

For years commentators and Estate Agents have said that Northenden has bags of potential, and is about to take off – but the opposite has happened.

Many residents, especially those who have lived here for over 20 years, have told us Northenden has declined from a busy and bustling community to one which seems deserted and worn out.

  1. Derelict land and properties such as where ‘Car Options’ used to be, the Tatton Arms and the Church Inn lay empty.

  2. The shops on Palatine Road offer very little variety, and where Northenden used to be a place where people would travel to shop, now it's the other way round.

  3. The Library is a fantastic public utility, but deserves a bigger and better building.

  4. There aren’t enough facilities for our young people.

  5. There is hardly any public parking.

Examples of what a Northenden Parish Council could do

Here are some examples of what a Parish Council could do to improve Northenden.

  • Organise an annual Northenden Village Festival.
  • Invest in our young people by creating youth facilities and events.
  • Build more car parks in Northenden to attract shoppers from elsewhere.
  • Replace grass verges that have become disfigured with parking bays or install bollards.
  • Develop our planted areas, and encourage homes and shops to install hanging baskets.

We believe these are some of the solutions a Parish Council could pursue to turn Northenden round and make it great again.

Want to know more? Come to the Public meeting

Northenden Civic Society is hosting a public meeting to hear more about the Parish Council from experts, and give people an opportunity to ask questions and have their say. Please join us at:

7:30pm, Wednesday 6th May

Northenden Methodist Church Hall

Victoria Road


Need help filling out the form?

The jargon filled questionnaire can seem confusing, so we have translated the questionnaire for you. If you want a Parish Council in Northenden Village, the questions need to be answered as follows:

Question 1 – If you want a Parish Council answer NO.

Question 2 – If you want a Parish Council answer YES.

Question 3 – If you want a Parish Council for Northenden Village answer YES.

Question 4 – “How many Councillors...” Up to you, but we recommend at least 12, so power doesn't rest in too few hands.

Parish Council be divided into wards.. ” We recommend YES. This will ensure Parish Councillors are elected for every neighbourhood.

Boundaries of Parish wards...We recommend that “the boundaries follow the polling district boundaries as set out in the map

Question 5 – Leave blank.

Question 6 – Asks if further local governance beyond the Parish Council is needed. Up to you, but we think the Parish Council would fulfil the gap in community governance and additional arrangements beyond a Parish Council are unnecessary.

1 comment:

workmans said...

I think a parish council would be a great idea. I think the town could look great if the high street was improved, and the ugly derelict sites of the church inn and car options site was put to good use. Its about time!