Friday 30 January 2009

Bye bye Lucy Powell - hello Cllr Lianne Williams!

Cllr Lianne Williams

Manchester Labour, and especially Labour PPC Lucy Powell, were dealt a crushing blow at the polls last night as the good people of Didsbury West elected Lib-Dem Lianne Williams in the Didsbury West by-election.

The vacancy came about after the sad death of friend and colleague Cllr Neil Trafford (33), who tragically died in a car accident on the M6 late last year.

Cllr Williams saw off a strong campaign from both Labour and the Tories to increase the majority we had last may.

Lib-Dem 08: 1283
Lib-Dem 09: 1439 (+8.4%)

Labour 08: 620
Labour 09: 638 (+1.9%)

Conservative 08: 451
Conservative 09: 337 (-3.6%)

Green 08: 281
Green 09: 173 (-3.6%)

Turnout 08: 27.6%
Turnout 09: 26.1% (-1.7%)

Lianne will make an excellent Councillor, and will no doubt ensure both John Leech MP remains in post, and help us take control of Manchester City Council.

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